Kingdom Culture Leadership Convergence 2024: “Revival + Reformation = Transformation” (REGISTRATION INFO HERE)

Conferences have their place, but the time has come to take a step further into Convergence. To confer means to discuss together, which is a different picture than what normally takes place in most conferences today. Most conferences feature a few keynote speakers who teach and preach with eloquence while the rest of us listen and take notes, possibly offering an amen once in a while. While there is nothing wrong with this as we need quality ministry of the Word from mature godly voices, this is hardly a conference because there isn’t much discussion going on. To discuss Kingdom truth together provides a context to exchange ideas…

The Old & The New

The enemy desires to create a rift between emerging leaders who are stepping into the NEW and seasoned leaders who are well established in the OLD.  But God wants to build a bridge of love and honor that stabilizes the NEW leaders with age old wisdom and yet reignites flames of passion in the OLD.  Yes, this is possible.  (BTW, NEW & OLD have nothing to do with natural or spiritual age.  They have to do with freshness of revelation and divine order/fruitfulness) Many adventurous leaders are breaking away from traditions of men, doctrines of men, old thought paradigms and antiquated religious systems, but tend to throw away…

Kingdom Culture 2023: Revival in the Midst of Ruins

Kingdom Culture 2023 was a great time of encouragement and strategic Kingdom conversation regarding the challenging days ahead. Although the world around us is decaying, we’re a part of the ever-increasing Kingdom of God so there’s no need to fear or live in worry. The best is yet to come! We received timely words from Mark Pfeifer, Les Bowling, Ron King, David Hoskins, Dana Gammill, David Kelly, Todd Murner, myself and others that collectively released both revelation and wisdom for the days ahead. If you’re interested in receiving video files for the entire conference click here: The entire conference can be viewed on my U-Tube channel for…

Culture Clash: Defying the Logical

God always takes great pleasure in using the foolish, weak and base things of the world to confound the wise. Joseph was despised by his brothers but God took him from the pit and the prison to the palace to rule the land. A shepherd boy named David defeated Goliath with a pocketful of rocks. God turned the world upside own with some uneducated fishermen from Galilee. And He wants to do the same with you! As you continue to welcome Kingdom culture in your life, you will rise above the limitations of your past and embrace your calling as a world shaker and history maker! It’s time…

From Regional Alignment to Regional Transformation

The mission of the church in each region of the earth is to blanket their territory with the culture of heaven. But in the words of Jesus, “every kingdom divided against is brought to desolation.” A lack of relational unity in the church dwarfs our ability to fulfill our mandate to bring heaven to earth. The apostle Paul and his apostolic company, however, became known as those who “turned the world upside down.” They transformed region after region because they functioned as one in family culture, in Kingdom protocol and in a militant cohesion to confront and dismantle regional strongholds, paving the way for Kingdom culture to take…

Maximum Exposure

This leadership course (20 hours) brings exposure to the influence of principalities in the world and in the church. Using the Israelites who entered the promised land under the leadership of Joshua as an example, these classes bring the analogy of the giants in the land into our present day situation where strongholds are largely unchallenged in the world because they are resident in the church. This exposure empowers leaders to free themselves from these strongholds and to help liberate others as well. This course isn’t about deliverance from demons as much as it is about deliverance from demonic mindsets that are perpetuated through the power of culture….

Mountains can be Liars

Before you were born, you had a target on your back.  Demonic strategy was already being formed and executed so that you come into the earth at a deficit although you possess tremendous value.  Demons use the 7 mountains of cultural influence to hinder you from discovering who you are and what you’re called to do.  And they also scheme to hinder you from actually doing it once you know it.   They use lies and misplaced value systems to keep you at arm’s length from the truth.  Sometimes this takes place through sincere people who are doing the best they know, but they’re sincerely wrong.  And at…

KCE Leadership Retreat 2023

Wow!! What a refreshing time spending a few days with the leaders of KCE in Orlando this January! I literally went from 12 degrees in Ohio to 70 degrees in Florida in a 2 hour plane ride! That was worth the trip all by itself! LOL But seriously, the fellowship was off the charts, the food was phenomenal and what the Holy Spirit did in us and in the group was indescribable. We were strengthened, challenged, inspired, liberated and encouraged in a big time way! Conferences have their place but there’s something about leaders engaging with one another and becoming vulnerable that accelerates healing from hurts, calibrates our…

Grace Transformation

The apostle Paul had the strongest revelation of grace in his generation but he wasn’t even close to being a hyper-grace teacher or a legalistic preacher. He never gave anyone a free pass for sin because they were already forgiven. He told the Corinthians to kick the unrepentant adulterer out of the church because if not, his dysfunction would spread like cancer. He said that Judaizers (who were convincing believers to mix law with grace) would bear judgment for their actions and that they should be accursed. For those who were going back into law Paul said Christ would profit them nothing and they had fallen from grace….

How People Leave Local Churches

Here are 20 ways people leave their local church: 1. People who come and go without anyone knowing. These people never really get plugged in to begin with. They don’t become consistent in their attendance, giving or service. They don’t establish relationships and therefore when they leave, very few people notice especially in larger churches. 2. People who are sent into a divine assignment into another territory. This usually takes place with prayer, the laying on of hands and sometimes financial backing and/or a team from the sending church. 3. People who physically move due to a job change or family status. Although churches and their leaders hate…


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