
This is undoubtedly a unique season both in the world and in the church.  The challenges presented in this Coronavirus pandemic are numerous and affect us all in one way or another.  My prayer for you is that God will strengthen your faith in this season in the fact that God is your provider and protector.  I’m also praying that God will give you divine wisdom from heaven to navigate you through troubled times.  Ultimately, ALL THINGS work together for our good if we truly love God and walk in faith.  Faith works by love.  If our hearts are pure and we trust God in troubled times, there’s nothing that can happen to us that God won’t make work out for us!!  That’s how good our God is! 
     I’m already seeing the beginning of this in my life in this season.  As you may know, my primary income comes from speaking in churches, but as all meetings have been cancelled for a few months I’m forced to believe God for provision and He is coming through! The enemy wants us to cower in fear in these times, but God is asking us to rise up in faith!  I’m also receiving downloads of wisdom that I’m implementing which is aiding in this time and preparing me for a more prosperous future.  Faith and Wisdom work hand in hand, no doubt about it.
     God asked Solomon one night what he wanted.  He was given a blank check from heaven!  He asked God for wisdom to rule His people.  God saw through Solomon’s words that his heart was pure.  So because of the purity of his heart and his faith in God’s ability to help him succeed in his calling, God provided everything he needed and then some.  The answer to Solomon’s prayer didn’t come in the form of money in his bank account.  Sure, there was favor and blessings that came to him without him working for it.  But God also gave him the wisdom he needed to become wealthy through hard work. 
     If you start reading the subsequent chapters of II Chronicles, you’ll discover that Solomon became wealthy because he implemented the wisdom God gave him.  Solomon asked for wisdom to rule God’s people, but it seems God gave him wisdom to prosper.  Almost looks contradictory, but the two go hand in hand.  If Solomon didn’t prosper, he wouldn’t have the provision to fulfill his calling.   He wouldn’t have the resources to build God a temple.  
     I truly believe God wants us to prosper in our faith that pertains to our spiritual walk/ministry but also to prosper financially and experience divine health/protection in this season, just like the Israelites experienced in the land of Goshen during the plagues of Egypt.  There was a degree of prosperity God’s people experienced while slaves in Egypt.  They multiplied despite living under the bondage of Egypt.  Pharaoh afflicted them with burdens and increased their requirements out of fear that they would one day join their enemies and fight against them.  But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied!  The Israelites shifted into another level of prosperity as they transitioned through the wilderness and yet an even greater level of prosperity as they crossed over into the Promised Land.  As your faith increases, so does your provision to fulfill your God-given vision.   
     I believe this is a season for greater authentication of our faith in everyday life.  Pressure has a way of causing some people to back down, but Kingdom leaders rise up to the occasion and move forward.  I believe you are one of those leaders!  Those who will not allow circumstances to dictate your mood or your assignment.  Sure, there are some things outside our control that affect our way of life in this season, but that doesn’t have to affect our faith in God negatively.  In fact, there’s an opportunity to accelerate in our relationship with God and our ministry assignment by allowing God to do a deep work within us. 
     One passage that has become more real to me in this season is Hebrews 12:26-29 “Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.  Now this, yet once more, indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things that cannot be shaken may remain.  Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.  For our God is a consuming fire.”  What we’re experiencing now is a fulfillment of this verse, both the earthly and heavenly realms being shaken at the same time.  Spiritual war just got a little more real.  It’s hitting closer to home.  There’s things God wants to remove from our hearts/lives so we can access some things in our vision that we just can’t reach as of yet.  Joshua and Caleb could access the Promised Land because they allowed God to shift them from fear to faith in the wilderness.   
     Specifically, I believe Hebrews 12:26-29 pertained to the judgement on the religious system and the removal of temple worship and sacrifices under the Old Covenant.  Hebrews was written in the late 60’s just prior to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple by the Romans in AD 70.  Jesus said “not one stone would stand on another” when referring to the temple his disciples were enamored with and that “this generation” would experience judgment for all the blood of the prophets that they martyred, Jesus being the icing on the cake.  Well, that happened about 40 years after he said that, in that generation.  A natural war took place in the earth as the Romans sought to maintain control over Jerusalem in the natural.  But a spiritual war took place as the church displaced principalities in regions throughout the Roman Empire.  The ruling of nations was shaken up in the earth and in the heaven.
     I believe the same is happening today.  Satan wants to rule the planet but the church is rising up in our dominion mandate, and fear is rising in the enemy’s camp.  Because Satan is afraid of the potential of the church to disrupt his desire to rule the earth, he is releasing anything and everything to instill fear in mankind and in the church.  He feel threatened. Satan may be the god of this world (cosmos- world system) but “the earth and its fullness belongs to the Lord.”  Satan has puppets (people) who he uses to control and influence masses of people contrary to Kingdom Culture and he has imparted what the book of James calls demonic wisdom to this elite group of people to execute as a strategy to rule the world together.  Yes, you read that right.  An unholy alliance between Satan, high ranking demonic principalities and highly influential people in the earth to attempt to co-reign in the earth utilizing the fullness of its resources.  
     I also believe there is an unholy alliance behind the scenes that is responsible for the Coronavirus specifically, how it’s being reported and what is trying to be achieved through all of this.  A month ago I had 2 visions on the same day, both of which were unbelievable to me.  The first of which was scientists in China in white lab coats engineering and releasing the Coronavirus with ill-intent.  The second of which was a graph showing the US stock market (Dow Jones) going from 29,600 to 18,900 in 30 days.  I also had a clear understanding that there are evil people behind Coronavirus with 3 different agendas, all of which are serving Satan’s agenda to control the world.  Chinese communists want to leverage financial control over the US and the world.  Far left Democrats want to leverage political control over Trump and the coming election.  And global elitists want to leverage nationalistic control to create a one world government which they want to rule.  I am fully confident of these things. 
     This is not just an ordinary virus, it’s both natural and supernatural.  It is being fueled by fear.  And it’s truly allergic to faith.  Even more than the virus, we need to protect ourselves from fear because that opens up the door to many other demonic attacks.  The good thing is that by rising up in greater faith and by accessing greater wisdom in this season, God will catapult a remnant of His people to a greater place of usefulness in Kingdom advancement. 
     This is a perfect storm, the equivalent of Pharaoh increasing burdens on the Israelites which forced them to rise up in their faith, crying out to God for deliverance from oppression and for provision to access their promised land.  At which point, God raised up a Kingdom leader in Moses and other leaders to assist him in Aaron and Miriam.  So Pharaoh’s fear actually pressurized the people of God to break out of their complacency into the next level of prosperity and fulfillment of their divine destiny!
    But keep in mind, Pharaoh didn’t just hand over freedom and prosperity to the Israelites just because Moses said “Let my People go” one time.  He had to say it 10 times accompanied by 10 plagues!  There was a process of developing faith in the Kingdom leadership team of Moses, Aaron and Miriam and the Israelites too.  And their development and persistence eventually manifested in breakthroughs of freedom and prosperity, as the Egyptians gave them gold on their way out of town!
     God has this!  And you’re going to make it through this season stronger in faith and wiser in strategy moving forward!  This is not a bump in the road though, it’s the beginning of a spiritual war that is manifesting more and more in the natural.  We’re called to walk in dominion, both in the natural and in the spiritual realms.  And we need to lead the way, demonstrating a Kingdom Culture kind-of-life despite all hell breaking out around us.  It’s time for Goshen all over again.  Time for our light to shine brighter and brighter even though evil is growing darker around us.  
     We need to pray not only against the Coronavirus but for the demonic schemes of evil men to be exposed.  We need to pray for our president and key world leaders to be enlightened by truth and wisdom to deal with things in the natural.  But we also need to pray for spiritual leaders to lead the church forward to deal with things in the spirit.  I believe that God will use this bold move of the enemy to push us over the edge of complacency into a place where our faith catapults us into the true dominion we were created for.  We have a ways to go but it’s time to move forward out of Egyptian bondage, through the wilderness and into the promised land where we evict giants out of our land and rule to the degree God desires for us before Jesus returns to transition us forward into an ultimate ruling and reigning with Him. 
     Corona means “Crown” in Spanish.  The enemy wants to wear the crown of dominion in the earth.  And ungodly men want to do the same.  But dominion is in the hands of the church.  We have relegated dominion to the world and to the devil because of our disobedience, fear, religion, etc.  But God is delivering us from the very things that have disqualified us from wearing the crown that rightfully belongs to us.  A virus is something that is contagious, that spreads easily.  Satan is attempting to spread his influence using the tools at his disposal.  But as the church rises up, we can and will gain momentum in this war and see the contagion of the gospel once again, not just in conversions at the altar, but in Kingdom advancement in every corner of society! 
     Satan and his principalities are attempting to rule the planet through puppets who think they’re in control.  But the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous.  To the degree that our hearts are pure, that we walk by faith and we function by divine wisdom, to that degree we will access the wealth of the wicked.  It’s our inheritance!  The earth and its fullness belong to the Lord, not Satan!  “Ask of me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance.”  This is Jesus’ promise from the Father.  And we are the body of Christ!  Jesus is living his life through us and wants to access the promise of the Father through us as well!  There will be a turning of the tables, a changing of the guard.  Given enough time, the church will rise up and we will see the plans of the enemy exposed and eliminated. And we will see God rule His planet through us for His glory.  The glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the seas!  
     Just be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!  Be strong and courageous!  We will win in the end.  The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and Christ.  But not without a battle.  We will overcome through the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony, not loving our lives unto the death.  Those who don’t deny themselves and bear their cross disqualify themselves from ruling and reigning in this life.  The pressure to live in fear or rise up in faith will only increase.  I wish I could tell you it will be different.  But truthfully, sometimes it gets worse before it gets better.  With God on our side we cannot fail!  We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

The Next 50 Years of American History: Discipled by Demons or Redeemed by the Blood” sheds additional light on the challenges we’re facing in this season as well as light at the end of the tunnel. To purchase click here:

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