Mexico 2022

We had a power-packed weekend in San Luis Potosi encouraging and empowering leaders from 5 different states in Mexico who form an alliance under the leadership of David Hoskins. This picture is from a breakout session where we ministered prophetically over all the leaders. We had 2 days of intense teaching & ministry, and God also moved in power and impartation. The final service was open to the regional church. A wave of healing hit the place as the Lord healed 8 people of all remaining Covid symptoms including eyesight, taste, smell, breathing conditions, etc along with a number of other physical issues. We had a sense of…

Kingdom Culture Partners

If you’re interested in partnering with us to expand Kingdom influence around the world, please take a few minutes to get familiar with what God has done through this ministry in the past, what Kingdom initiatives we’re presently engaged with and the vision that compels us to forge ahead through adversity in the days to come! Bo Salisbury has ministered in 38 nations since the early 90’s, sharing the liberating truth of Kingdom culture, otherwise known as the gospel of the Kingdom. This has resulted in 1000’s of salvations, baptisms in the Holy Spirit, miracles, deliverances, not to mention timely prophetic words to churches, leaders and regions.  He…

Apostles Then and Now

Today someone asked me the difference between TODAY’S APOSTLES and those from the first century. It got me thinking of a few things that have changed the landscape of apostolic ministry (and 5-fold ministry too) 1. The original 12 apostles had 3 1/2 years of personal training from Jesus Himself. Nobody becomes a fully functioning apostle today in that amount of time. 2. Instead of 1 church per city that met in numerous homes in the first century, today we have hundreds of local churches and denominations in each major city, most of which meet in buildings. The differences in doctrine, tradition, philosophy and government are abundant and…


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