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Apostles Then and Now

Today someone asked me the difference between TODAY’S APOSTLES and those from the first century. It got me thinking of a few things that have changed the landscape of apostolic ministry (and 5-fold ministry too) 1. The original 12 apostles had 3 1/2 years of personal training from Jesus Himself. Nobody becomes a fully functioning…

Kamikaze Christians

Radical Islamic Terrorists have demonstrated far more courage and commitment to their cause than most believers have shown for the cause of Christ. That’s because most American Christians live in a Christian bubble where they reject anything and everything that challenges their addiction to comfort and convenience, assuming that anything that doesn’t feel good can’t…

False Prophets

For all my prophetic brothers and sisters in the US who haven’t experienced next level prophetic shenanigans in Africa, let me catch you up to speed. Here’s a few peculiar manifestations in the last several years I’ve come across: 1. The Grass Prophet- this prophet tested his followers’ submission by commanding them to eat grass…


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